catchment area | |
Hakutuloksessa 3 hanketta |
[1] |
Takaisin asiasanahakemistoon
Listausjärjestys: Hankkeen nimi | Vastuuhenkilö | Tiedontuottaja |
Tiedon- tuottaja |
Hankkeen nimi, vastuuhenkilö ja asiasanat |
Kesto |
Biogeochemistry of the Baltic Sea in a Changing Climate: From Catchment to Open Sea Riitta Autio climate change, research, ecological state, Baltic Sea, rivers, load, seawater, surface waters, catchment area, water quality, pollution load on water bodies, state of the environment, Syke themes, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, |
päättynyt 6 v.: 2008 - 2013 |
Comprehensive assessment of climate measures in catchments - with system analysis towards carbon-neutral land use (SysteemiHiili) Mika Marttunen, Syke mitigation, climate change, greenhouse gases, land use, models, methods, research institutes, co-operation, load, catchment area, Support for climate policy, environmental impacts, |
käynnissä 3 v.: 2021 - 2023 |
Land-based heavy metal load to the Baltic Sea (HELCOM data base PLC) Pekka Kotilainen international co-operation, international agreements, co-operation, Baltic Sea, load, catchment area, state of the environment, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, |
käynnissä 1994 |