Support for climate policy | |
Hakutuloksessa 41 hanketta |
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Takaisin asiasanahakemistoon
Listausjärjestys: Hankkeen nimi | Vastuuhenkilö | Tiedontuottaja |
Tiedon- tuottaja |
Hankkeen nimi, vastuuhenkilö ja asiasanat |
Kesto |
Adapt-FIRST: Adapting to climate change risks in Finland: an Impact Response surface STudy Timothy Carter climate, climate change, climate policy, land use, Support for climate policy, environmental impacts, |
käynnissä 5 v.: 2020 - 2024 |
Assessing limits of adaptation to climate change and opportunities for resilience to be enhanced (A-LA-CARTE) Timothy Carter climate change, biodiversity, ecological impacts, research, mapping, models, environmental policy, Support for climate policy, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2011 - 2014 |
Assessing the adaptive capacity of the Finnish environment and society under a changing climate (FINADAPT) Timothy Carter climate change, research, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2004 - 2005 |
Black Carbon Footprint Mikko Savolahti, Finnish Environment Institute climate, particles, climate change, emissions, research, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2019 - 2022 |
Black carbon in the Arctic and significance compared to dust sources (IBA-FIN-BCDUST) Niko Karvosenoja, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) climate, particles, atmosphere, climate change, climate policy, research, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 3 v.: 2018 - 2020 |
Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe (BASE) Mikael Hilden climate change, climate policy, European Union, research, flood risks, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 5 v.: 2012 - 2016 |
CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies (CASCADES) Stefan Fronzek climate, climate change, climate policy, European Union, international co-operation, research, models, methods, co-operation, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 5 v.: 2019 - 2023 |
Change in Business Ecosystems for Local Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - Better Energy Services for Consumers (USE) Paula Kivimaa climate policy, energy, housing production, energy efficiency, buildings, Support for climate policy, Built environment and land use, |
päättynyt 4 v.: 2015 - 2018 |
Climate Change and Health: Adapting to Mental, Physical and Societal Challenges (CHAMPS) Timothy Carter climate, climate change, research, projects, health, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 5 v.: 2020 - 2024 |
Climate Change Indicators and Vulnerability of Boreal Zone Applying Innovative Observation and Modeling Techniques (EU Life+ MONIMET) in SYKE Kristin Böttcher climate change, greenhouse gases, research, indicators, models, Support for climate policy, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, |
päättynyt 5 v.: 2013 - 2017 |
Climate change: a regional assessment of vulnerability and adaptive capacity for the Nordic countries (CARAVAN) Timothy Carter climate change, research, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 4 v.: 2008 - 2011 |
Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies - facilitating the collaborative turn in environmental decision-making (CORE) Heli Saarikoski (SYKE), project manager Lasse Peltonen (UEF) natural resources, environmental responsibility, legislation, preparation, land use, research, projects, methods, co-operation, environmental policy, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, Built environment and land use, |
käynnissä 5 v.: 2017 - 2021 |
Comprehensive assessment of climate measures in catchments - with system analysis towards carbon-neutral land use (SysteemiHiili) Mika Marttunen, Syke mitigation, climate change, greenhouse gases, land use, models, methods, research institutes, co-operation, load, catchment area, Support for climate policy, environmental impacts, |
käynnissä 3 v.: 2021 - 2023 |
Coordinated and Integrated Permitting System (CIPS) in South Africa Mr. Pekka J Salminen SYKE international affairs, Africa, environmental permits, environmental protection, environmental policy, Support for climate policy, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, Built environment and land use, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2014 - 2015 |
Developing a common knowledge base for monitoring land use and its changes (Mammutti) Elise Järvenpää Finnish Environment Institute influencing, mitigation, climate policy, land use, land use planning, geographical information, data systems, monitoring, co-operation, Support for climate policy, digitalisation, |
käynnissä 3 v.: 2021 - 2023 |
Eating and Energy Use Reconfigured (EE-TRANS) Minna Kaljonen consumption and production, energy, sustainable consumption, agriculture, research, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
käynnissä 5 v.: 2018 - 2022 |
EC DG CLIMA - Mainstreaming Climate Change into CSF-Funds 2014-2020 Mr. Mikaél Hilden, Director, Climate Change Programme, SYKE international affairs, European Union, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 4 v.: 2012 - 2015 |
Enabling demand response through easy-to-use open-source approach - EasyDR Enni Ruokamo (SYKE) housing, climate change, energy, research, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 3 v.: 2022 - 2024 |
ESA Snow Climate Change Initiative (Snow_cci) Sari Metsämäki (SYKE) research, remote sensing, Support for climate policy, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2018 - 2021 |
Facing system change together: Citizen deliberation in informed and just climate transitions (FACTOR) Heli Saarikoski (Syke) climate change, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2021 - 2024 |
Farming culture in transition to sustainable agriculture - a practice approach Suvi Huttunen mitigation, climate policy, sustainable development, agriculture, environmental policy, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2014 - 2017 |
Finnish Carbon Procurement Programme (Finnder) - international affairs, projects, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 5 v.: 2006 - 2010 |
Finnish CDM/JI Pilot Programme Mr. Pekka J. Salminen, Project Manager, SYKE international affairs, projects, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 7 v.: 2000 - 2006 |
Finnish Regional Emission Scenario model FRES Niko Karvosenoja, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) climate, particles, air pollutants, air quality, climate change, long-range transportation, research, forecasts, models, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
käynnissä 2002 |
Integrated assessment modelling of global change impacts and adaptation (FINESSI) Timothy Carter, Maria Holmberg climate change, research, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 8 v.: 2003 - 2010 |
Keeping the Arctic White: Regulatory Options for Reducing Short-Lived Climate Forcers in the Arctic (WHITE) Kaarle Kupiainen, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) climate, climate change, emissions, research, models, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
päättynyt 4 v.: 2015 - 2018 |
Map-based assessment of vulnerability to climate change employing regional indicators (MAVERIC) Timothy Carter climate change, research, mapping, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 4 v.: 2009 - 2012 |
Pan-Arctic observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal Needs (Arctic PASSION) Kirsikka Heinilä climate change, arctic region, international co-operation, remote sensing, ice, snow, Support for climate policy, citizen science, |
käynnissä 5 v.: 2021 - 2025 |
Pathways linking uncertainties in model projections of climate and its effects (PLUMES) Timothy Carter climate, climate change, agriculture, research, models, health, Support for climate policy, environmental impacts, |
käynnissä 6 v.: 2014 - 2019 |
Policy learning: linking development policy and climate change in Finland's relations with developing countries Mr. Mikaél Hilden, Director, SYKE international affairs, Asia, projects, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 2 v.: 2011 - 2012 |
Regional Industrial Pollution and CO2 Emission Abatement Project for Arab Countries Ms. Kati Pritsi, Project Coordinator, SYKE climate, air, international affairs, projects, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 5 v.: 2007 - 2011 |
Research for sustainability transformations - Strengthening critical reflection and methodological capacities across disciplines (REFLECT) Minna Kaljonen (SYKE) research, models, methods, research institutes, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 1 v.: 2021 - 2021 |
Revealing the role of GEOSS as the default digital portal for building climate change adaptation & mitigation applications (EIFFEL) Kristin Böttcher (SYKE) mitigation, climate change, European Union, remote sensing, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2021 - 2024 |
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal (RWSSP-WN) Mr. Lauri Kattelus, Project Manager, Syke international affairs, Asia, projects, water, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
päättynyt 6 v.: 2008 - 2013 |
Satellite Snow Product Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise (SnowPEx) Sari Metsämäki (SYKE) remote sensing, snow, Support for climate policy, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, |
käynnissä 3 v.: 2020 - 2022 |
Snow Cover/Extent Demonstrator from optical Sensors (SEDOS) Sari Metsämäki (SYKE) remote sensing, satellite images, snow, river systems, water resources, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2018 - 2021 |
Soil carbon model - Yasso Jari Liski research, Support for climate policy, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, |
käynnissä 2004 |
Solidarity in climate change adaptation policies: towards more socio-spatial justice in the face of multiple risks (SOLARIS) Johan Munck af Rosenschöld climate change, research, flood risks, Support for climate policy, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2021 - 2024 |
The EU Action on Black Carbon in the Arctic Ville-Veikko Paunu, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) climate, mitigation, particles, air pollution control, climate policy, research, Support for climate policy, |
päättynyt 4 v.: 2018 - 2021 |
Towards Eco-Welfare State: Orchestrating for Systemic Impact (ORSI) Eeva Furman housing, climate, mitigation, climate change, climate policy, consumption and production, sustainable development, sustainable consumption, cities, traffic, research, research institutes, co-operation, environmental policy, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
käynnissä 7 v.: 2019 - 2025 |
Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility) Emilia Suomalainen life cycle assessment, carbon footprint, waste management, cities, traffic, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, Built environment and land use, circular economy, |
käynnissä 1 v.: 2023 - 2023 |