M Hankehaavi, tutkimushankkeet luonnonvara-alalta, suomenkielinen haku

Poistu tästä ohjeesta sulkemalla ikkuna! SULJE

Example 1: write bioenerg in the freetext search field and click [search and list] button. Search results a list of project titles. Each title is a link to the description published in the data producers own website.

Example 2: write multiple synonyms of search terms in the freetex search field separated with operator TAI, f. ex. bioenerg TAI biogas TAI firewood TAI polttopuu TAI biokaasu and press [search and list] button. Write TAI with capital letters!!

Example 3: write bioenerg in freetxt search field and tick organisations LUKE and HY and press [search and list] button. Search results a list of projects which are ongoing or completed in those two organisations.

Freetext search creates a query with terms you have given on various text fields. Note! The search terms are automatically truncated at the beginning and at the end of each term. When you have written multiple terms with empty marks between them (no comma!) the query will search for all the terms to be present in the same project description simultaneously. .

Note! Truncation mark is not required! Search truncates all terms automatically on both ends.

Search on keywords is targeted specifically to the keyword field. Given terms are truncated automatically on both ends.

Data producers can be selected by ticking a box in order to focus the search on selected organisations only.

Project status tick a box of ongoing or of completed projects only.

When several criterias are selected, all given criterias have to be found in the project desription simultaneously, e.g.:
freetext: ilmasto (climate in English)
search keywords: mets (forest in English)
organisation: HY
status: closed

In this case the search results four projects, e.g.

Ilmastonmuutoksen pitkäaikaiset alueelliset vaikutukset Euroopan metsiin.
Hari Pertti
ilmastonmuutos, metsät, kasvu, hiilitase, mallit
päättynyt, HY

[Reset] button clears the query and a new search can be started from clear table.


Alphabetical keyword index provides list of keywords of those project desciptions which have been indexed with keywords by the researchers. The number of projects matching the keyword is given also.

NOTE! A project may not be found using the keyword index in those cases where the researhers have not provided the description with keywords! We encourage the researchers to tag their projects with keywords in their organisations own information system at any time as the Projectnet will harvest the keywords there according to agreement with the data poducer.


Topic index is a selection of topics which have current or otherwise public interest. The query of a topic may be complex and require several search terms and a combination of restrictions and so we have provided these topics to help out those who are looking for current research information.

Topic index is a helping tool and it is not aimed to be a complete. Each topic is not aimed to be a profound list of projects but it is rather a first aid for getting a idea of what is done under the topic, and where to contact.

In case of questions, improvement ideas and critics, please contact first the operator MI TIetorakenteet Oy, www.mitietorakenteet.fi, info(at)mitietorakenteet.fi