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Design of the national monitoring, early warning system and risk assessing concerning alien species in the Finnish brackish waters ? VISEVARIS project 2010-2011

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Alien species are a threat to marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Non-indigenous species reach the Finnish coast annually. Most of the species do not present harm but others have harmful impacts on ecology, economy or social environment. Early sightings are haphazard and observations of newly arrived species may sometimes take years. The prevention, mitigation of impacts posed by alien species or even evaluation of risks cannot be carried out, unless an early warning system and related monitoring are developed and deployed. All species cannot and are not required to be controlled, some may even be exploited. To evaluate these aspects, a valid risk assessment system must be put in place.

As an outcome of some human mediated actions new alien species are continuously arriving on Finnish waters and the frequency of arrivals has been increasing during the past 30 years, especially with the increase in maritime traffic and the opening of new inland channels. Targeted research on alien species has also contributed to the new findings of alien species. Around 120 alien species have been encountered in the Baltic Sea, out of which approximately 80 have become established. There are 23 species currently appearing on Finnish waters annually, and 5 of them have been classified as harmful in the Finnish national strategy on alien species (under preparation). Individual sightings of other alien species arise at times.

Project targets

* Assessing the current monitoring programs in relation to how well they allow alien species detection. Analysis will focus on how the so far arrived aliens have been detected
* A literature review on the habitats which potentially yet arriving species may inhabit
* Recommendation on how monitoring should be developed to spatially and temporarily better detect the already arrived alien species and the ones which may still disperse to the Finnish waters
* Development of an identification guide book on alien species
* Design of an early warning and information system
* Surveying the suitability of some international risk assessment procedures to Finnish conditions

Expected results

The project will help to improve the current monitoring, which is a prerequisite for an early warning and information system. International contacts will help to ensure that the system under development may also serve as a gateway to other countries bordering the Baltic Sea.
The guide book for identification of the alien species will be published online for free, serving all interested parties and people encountering the alien species through their work.

Researcher in charge

Urho Lauri, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute

Other persons

Lehtiniemi Maiju (), Ljungberg Reetta, Pennanen Jussi, Hudd Richard, Pikkarainen Anna ()

Project Partners

Collaborating parties, , , VISEVARIS project (2010-2011) will be carried out in co-operation between the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (RKTL) and the Finnish Environment Institute?s (SYKE) Marine Research Centre. Both collaborators bring in their own expertise; RKTL having responsibility over fish and SYKE over other marine organisms. Both international and national literature and expertise will be involved. The project is being funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MMM), RKTL and SYKE. The following will act in the project?s Advisory Group: Johanna Niemivuo-Lahti and Jaana Kaipainen from MMM, Mr. Markus Helavuori from the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi), Prof. Erkki Leppäkoski from Åbo Akademi University and Ms. Kirsti Tarnanen-Sariola from the Finnish Port Association.

Duration 2010 - 2011

Project phase: Completed


Source: FGFRI Projectnet


© 2010 Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute.