The RULPOECON project will provide detailed information on the structures, allocation and impacts of policy measures and the structures and developments of socioeconomic activities in different Finnish rural areas. Our focus is future-oriented, especially as regards the upcoming programmatic period of the Common Agricultural Policy. At the same time, this project will contribute knowledge on the results and the impacts of the current rural policy regime. Our team will provide answers to the question of how rural development measures, other rural-linked policies and rural economic activities affect socioeconomic development and well-being in rural Finland. In this sense, RULPOECON is the only project of its kind in MTT as it focuses on and brings together the different dimensions of holistic sustainable rural development. The themes of the project are noticeably linked to MTT's "kasvuala theme" 'Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tuotannon ja maaseudun kehittäminen kestävyys, kannattavuus ja hyvinvointi' and particularly to the subthemes 'Hyvinvointi-teema: biologista (ml. geneettistä), teknologista, yhteiskunnallista ja taloudellista tutkimusta' and 'Maaseudun elinkeinot, paikallis- ja aluetalous: toimijaverkostot ja muuttuva maaseutuyritys'. The RULPOECON key project serves to support the objectives and goals of the Rural Future research programme and the Green Economy (Vihreä talous) research area. RULPOECON is thematically linked to two of LYNET's research programmes: 1) 'Kestävä maankäyttö' and its subthemes 'Kestävä tuotanto, kulutus ja maankäyttö' and 'Alueidenkäyttöpolitiikka, päätöksenteon tietopohja ja työkalut' as well as to 2) 'Biotalouden tutkimusohjelma' and its sub-theme 'Biotalouden tuotteiden kysyntä ja tarjonta sekä liiketoimintamallit'.
Vastaava tutkija
Wuori Olli Hankkeen kesto 2012 - 2015
regional welfare, sustainable development, rural economy, rural development, rural policy, regional structures, rural governance, local welfare
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