M Tutkimushankekuvaus, RKTL - Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos
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Paluu Hankehaaviin

Monitoring the condition of reindeer pastures

Paluu Hankehaaviin


Since 1995, the FGFRI has monitored the condition of reindeer pastures in the 20 northernmost herding cooperatives in the reindeer husbandry area. The amount and condition of pastures as well as changes in the pasture environment have been monitored in the areas of these herding cooperatives through permanent test areas for lichen pastures, satellite image classification and mapping of infrastructure coverage and impact areas. The aim of the project is to produce monitoring data on the condition of reindeer pastures and any changes in it at least once every ten years and to analyse the causes of these changes. The next reindeer pasture inventory is scheduled for 2016?2019, covering the entire reindeer husbandry area. In the future, monitoring data on reindeer pastures and their condition will be added to the reindeer herding GIS database (HARAVA and LIITERI systems) for use by administration, land-use planning, research and reindeer herding.

The project is a permanent research assignment of the FGFRI.


- to examine follow-up for the pasture inventories carried out by the FGFRI and the Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla)
- to plan the implementation of the next pasture inventory in 2015-2018 to be carried out by the future Natural Resources Institute Finland so that it will cover the entire reindeer husbandry area
- to apply funding for the implementation of the pasture inventory covering the entire reindeer husbandry area
- to participate in the work of working groups relating to reindeer pastures (e.g. the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE))


An article on factors that have affected the current state and changes in the condition of lichen pastures has been published in the Regional Environmental Change journal. Data on measurements carried out in test areas examining the recovery and production of lichen pastures has been processed and a scientific article is being written on the results. Cooperation with SYKE and Metla will be continued in order to develop the monitoring of the condition of reindeer pastures. In an ERDF project led by SYKE (No. 507 198), data on reindeer herding and pastures will be updated and compiled into a GIS database and access to the data by different user groups will be organised.

Vastaava tutkija

Kumpula Jouko, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute



Hankkeen vaihe: päättynyt


In English
Lähde: RKTL Hankehaavi


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