Many selection programs currently used in commercial dairy populations have put strong emphasis on production traits. This, however, lead to detrimental effects on functional traits such as fertility and disease resistance. Mastitis is one of the most frequent and expensive disease in dairy cattle. It is the third leading reason for premature culling of dairy cows in Finland and is the cause of considerable economic loss to dairy farmers worldwide. Thus, selection for mastitis resistance should be considered in many dairy-breeding programs to prevent the unfavorable effect of selection for high production. For this assessing the genetic variance in udder heath traits and quantifying the genetic and phenotypic associations between production and udder health traits is essential. In this project the relationships between udder heath traits such as mastitis, somatic cell score and other production and functional traits are studied. The project also includes the development, testing and comparison of different biostatistical models for estimation of breeding values for udder health traits and the identification and implementation of best models in routine genetic evaluations. Besides, assessing the relationship between pathogen-specific mastitis and other production traits and the development and maintenance of mastitis pathogen data base on individual cow basis are the main goals of this project.
Vastaava tutkija
Mäntysaari Esa Hankkeen kesto 2001 - 2011
tuotantosairaudet, maidontuotanto, jalostus, utaretulehdus, patogeenit
Hankkeen vaihe: Päättynyt
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