Development of rural areas in Finland has traditionally been supported by a mix of mutually separate regional, agricultural and rural policies. However, recently the scope of the policy measures of all these policy sectors has directed from often sector-specific support towards more general targets aiming at long term structural changes that would be able to enhance the competitiveness of rural enterprises, improve rural employment and promote spatial and regional equality and cohesion. The most important aim of the research is to study the effects that different policy measures and macroeconomic shocks have on regional economies, and how important role different industries, especially agriculture and forestry have on the regions. The emphasis is not only on the sector specific subsidies but also on the economic and structural changes. The research has several different spatial and time dimensions. Three different methodological approaches: SAM multiplier analysis, extended input-output analysis and general equilibrium modelling give us equipment to look at the regional economies from different angles. In addition, the use of data collected from different time periods enables us to analyse the politics and structural changes over a longer time horizon.
Vastaava tutkija
Hankkeen kesto 2009 - 2011
Hankkeen vaihe: päättynyt
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