ERIN stems from the acknowledgement that farm animals are nowadays used in research to produce knowledge applicable to many areas including sustainable agriculture, global warming, human food and human health. These issues need to be considered at the European level since they are shared by many, if not all, EU countries. Experimental facilities where such research is carried out are scattered across Europe and they require specific resources and management. Research on ruminants allows tackling these four major issues. They have thus been chosen for a pilot study on future experimental needs and facilities. The objectives of ERIN are: - to estimate prospective needs for research on ruminants in relation to future research areas, and in terms of expertise, animals, and equipment;- to assess the future potential of research facilities dedicated to ruminants;- to cross-analyse prospective needs and the supply of facilities with a view to creating an integrated organisation of research facilities likely to match future scientific developments and stimulate synergies in order for European research on farm animals and farming systems to play a leading role. In conclusion, we intend to conduct a pathfinder study. Surveying across the EU will produce two main results. It will identify infrastructures that exist and that can be opened to transnational research activities in the light of the needs expressed and it will summarize the needs for future experimental work. Finally, the cross-comparison of infrastructures and needs, and the analysis of this comparison, will demonstrate what shared infrastructure(s) could be established to meet the challenges of the future.
Vastaava tutkija
Rinne Marketta Hankkeen kesto 2008 - 2010
nauta, lammas, bibliometrinen analyysi, infrastruktuuri, märehtijä, kartoitus, verkosto
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