The objective of the investigation was to elucidate the movement function of potato virus Y (PVY) at the molecular level. The research was focused on two genes of PVY, P1 and coat protein, as the regulators of the movement function of the virus. The results on the kinetics of the expression and subcellular and intracellular localization of the two proteins suggested that the coat protein, but not the P1 protein, was involved in the regulation of the movement function of the virus. As a another goal of the research was to investigate the possibility to use the P1 gene sequence as a resistance factor in transgenic potato. Infection studies on potato transformed with the P1 gene showed extreme resistance to PVY.
Vastaava tutkija
Pehu Tuula, Helsingin yliopisto, Kasvintuotantotieteen laitos Hankkeen kesto 1994 - 1995
perunan Y-virus, P1-geeni, liikkuminen, transgeeninen peruna, virusresistenssi
Hankkeen vaihe: päättynyt
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