recycling | |
Hakutuloksessa 6 hanketta |
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Takaisin asiasanahakemistoon
Listausjärjestys: Hankkeen nimi | Vastuuhenkilö | Tiedontuottaja |
Tiedon- tuottaja |
Hankkeen nimi, vastuuhenkilö ja asiasanat |
Kesto |
CircVol 2 6Aika project: Utilization of high-volume side streams and masses of soil in cities Outi Pyy harmful substances, carbon footprint, waste management, research, models, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, Built environment and land use, recycling, circular economy, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2021 - 2022 |
CIRCWASTE - Towards Circular Economy in Finland Tuuli Myllymaa climate change, life cycle assessment, energy, harmful substances, wastes, material efficiency, green economy, recycling, circular economy, |
käynnissä 8 v.: 2016 - 2023 |
Just transition: Tackling inequalities on the way to a sustainable, healthy and climate-neutral food system (JUST-FOOD) Minna Kaljonen (SYKE) consumption and production, ecoefficiency, carbon footprint, sustainable development, sustainable consumption, natural resources, material efficiency, green economy, environmental responsibility, recycling, circular economy, |
käynnissä 7 v.: 2019 - 2025 |
Recycling nutrients and energy of Canadian waterweed Seppo Hellsten sustainable development, invasive species, research, lakes, nutrients, eutrophication, aquatic plants, management of water bodies, restoration of water bodies, state of the environment, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, recycling, |
käynnissä 3 v.: 2019 - 2021 |
Targeted methods for increasing recycling - economic impacts and feasibility (KEIKKA 2) Hanna Salmenperä wastes, research, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, recycling, circular economy, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2017 - 2018 |
Utilization of Canadian waterweed - from nuisance to source of raw materials Seppo Hellsten sustainable development, invasive species, research, lakes, nutrients, eutrophication, aquatic plants, management of water bodies, restoration of water bodies, state of the environment, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, recycling, circular economy, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2016 - 2017 |