biotopes | |
Hakutuloksessa 4 hanketta |
[1] |
Takaisin asiasanahakemistoon
Listausjärjestys: Hankkeen nimi | Vastuuhenkilö | Tiedontuottaja |
Tiedon- tuottaja |
Hankkeen nimi, vastuuhenkilö ja asiasanat |
Kesto |
Improving the habitat monitoring in Finland (LUSEK) Aapo Ahola nature, biodiversity politics, habitat, biodiversity, biotopes, research, projects, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, |
käynnissä 2 v.: 2021 - 2022 |
National Assessment of the Economics of Ecosystem Services in Finland (TEEB Finland) - Synthesis and Roadmap Jukka-Pekka Jäppinen habitat, natural values, biodiversity, natural resources, biotopes, recreational use, land use, land use planning, research, indicators, statistics, research institutes, co-operation, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, Built environment and land use, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2013 - 2014 |
The relationships of biotopes, habitat structure and habitat quality to the provision of ecosystem services (ES-LUPPI) Petteri Vihervaara nature, habitat, biodiversity, biotopes, ecological impacts, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, |
päättynyt 3 v.: 2013 - 2015 |
Towards coherent protected area network in Finland (KOKASU) Saija Kuusela nature, biodiversity politics, habitat, species, biodiversity, nature conservation, biotopes, protected areas, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, Ecosystem services and biological diversity, |
käynnissä 2 v.: 2021 - 2022 |