Sustainable development | |
Hakutuloksessa 24 hanketta |
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Takaisin asiasanahakemistoon
Listausjärjestys: Hankkeen nimi | Vastuuhenkilö | Tiedontuottaja |
Tiedon- tuottaja |
Hankkeen nimi, vastuuhenkilö ja asiasanat |
Kesto |
Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance - ALLIANCE Jukka Seppälä, SYKE sustainable development, research, Baltic Sea, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, circular economy, |
päättynyt 4 v.: 2016 - 2019 |
Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance+ to support blue biotechnology Anne-Mari Luhtanen, SYKE sustainable development, research, Baltic Sea, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, |
päättynyt 3 v.: 2019 - 2021 |
Bioeconomy and green engineering as foundations for future circular green economy (PEER GE) Riina Antikainen consumption and production, ecoefficiency, sustainable development, green economy, land use planning, research, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2014 - 2015 |
BlueBioSites Seed Money project - Data, information and tools to identify and monitor optimal sites for the Blue Bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Region Anne-Mari Luhtanen, SYKE sustainable development, research, Baltic Sea, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2020 - 2021 |
Co-designing sustainability-oriented innovation policy: experiences, instruments and solutions (COSU) Matti Pihlajamaa (VTT) and Susanna Horn (SYKE) administration, influencing, sustainable development, research, research institutes, co-operation, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2021 - 2024 |
Developmental evaluation of the Finnish sustainable development policies and transformation pathways (POLKU2030, PATH2030) Annukka Berg (SYKE), Satu Lähteenoja (Demos Helsinki), Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki (HELSUS), Matti Ylönen (HELSUS), Kirsi-Marja administration, influencing, sustainable development, research, indicators, monitoring, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2018 - 2019 |
EEEN2020: 8th European Environmental Evaluators Network Forum - Environmental Evaluation Supporting the Implementation of SDGs and Transformative Policymaking Paula Kivimaa international affairs, Europe, sustainable development, research, co-operation, |
päättynyt 1 v.: 2020 - 2020 |
Farming culture in transition to sustainable agriculture - a practice approach Suvi Huttunen mitigation, climate policy, sustainable development, agriculture, environmental policy, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
käynnissä 4 v.: 2014 - 2017 |
Indicators for sustainable urban development - KEKANUA Tapio Reininkainen sustainable development, cities, urban regions, research, indicators, Built environment and land use, |
käynnissä 1 v.: 2021 - 2021 |
Interaction in coastal waters: a roadmap to sustainable integration of aquaculture and fisheries (COEXIST) Juha Grönroos sustainable development, research, |
päättynyt 4 v.: 2010 - 2013 |
Just transition: Tackling inequalities on the way to a sustainable, healthy and climate-neutral food system (JUST-FOOD) Minna Kaljonen (SYKE) consumption and production, ecoefficiency, carbon footprint, sustainable development, sustainable consumption, natural resources, material efficiency, green economy, environmental responsibility, recycling, circular economy, |
käynnissä 7 v.: 2019 - 2025 |
Kestävä agroekosysteemin hallinta sekä maaseudun ja kaupungin vuorovaikutuksen kehitys Kiinan maakunnissa ja kaupungeissa Söderlund Leif rural-urban interaction, macroeconomics, agroecosystem management, sustainable development, water resources |
Päättynyt 2002 - 2006 |
Kestävä maankäyttö - Asuminen Pyysiäinen Jarkko Rural development, Regional welfare, Rural economy, Local welfare, Land-use, Rural governance, Sustainable development, Housing |
päättynyt 2012 - 2015 |
Key questions of sustainable development and action plan 2030 Eeva Furman strategies, sustainable development, indicators, |
päättynyt 1 v.: 2016 - 2016 |
Promotion of sustainable circular bioeconomy in North Karelia Jaakko Karvonen consumption and production, sustainable development, sustainable consumption, natural resources, research, co-operation, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, circular economy, |
päättynyt 3 v.: 2018 - 2020 |
Recycling nutrients and energy of Canadian waterweed Seppo Hellsten sustainable development, invasive species, research, lakes, nutrients, eutrophication, aquatic plants, management of water bodies, restoration of water bodies, state of the environment, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, recycling, |
käynnissä 3 v.: 2019 - 2021 |
Regoverning the Existing Hydropower System: Integrating ecological, economic and societal aspects of sustainability (SusHydro) Saija Koljonen (SYKE) sustainable development, water permits, regulation of inland waters, hydropower, |
käynnissä 5 v.: 2020 - 2024 |
Rural Development Measures, Rural Policies and Rural Economic Activities Contributing to Development and Well-being in Rural Finland Wuori Olli regional welfare, sustainable development, rural economy, rural development, rural policy, regional structures, rural governance, local welfare |
päättynyt 2012 - 2015 |
Sustainable textile systems: Co-creating resource-wise business for Finland in global textile networks (FINIX) Susanna Horn at Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) sustainable development, research, co-operation, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
käynnissä 7 v.: 2019 - 2025 |
Towards Eco-Welfare State: Orchestrating for Systemic Impact (ORSI) Eeva Furman housing, climate, mitigation, climate change, climate policy, consumption and production, sustainable development, sustainable consumption, cities, traffic, research, research institutes, co-operation, environmental policy, Support for climate policy, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, |
käynnissä 7 v.: 2019 - 2025 |
Transboundary tool for spatial planning and conservation of the Gulf of Finland (TOPCONS) Kirsi Kostamo sustainable development, research, seas, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, |
päättynyt 3 v.: 2012 - 2014 |
Transition Pathways Towards Circular Economy (TRANSCIRC) Jyri Seppälä consumption and production, sustainable development, sustainable consumption, natural resources, material efficiency, research, methods, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, environmental impacts, circular economy, |
päättynyt 5 v.: 2017 - 2021 |
Utilization of Canadian waterweed - from nuisance to source of raw materials Seppo Hellsten sustainable development, invasive species, research, lakes, nutrients, eutrophication, aquatic plants, management of water bodies, restoration of water bodies, state of the environment, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, recycling, circular economy, |
päättynyt 2 v.: 2016 - 2017 |
Vitality from the Kainuu Lakes to the Gulf of Bothnia - Oulujoki watershed vision 2035 (ARVOVESI) Seppo Hellsten sustainable development, state of surface waters, regulation of inland waters, hydropower, Baltic Sea, inland waters and aquatic resources, Consumption and production, and sustainable use of natural resources, fishes, |
päättynyt 3 v.: 2020 - 2022 |