M Research project, FGFRI - Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute
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Capacity building for the development of arapaima farming in the San Martin region ? special focus on breeding strategy and feed development

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In the San Martín Region aquaculture is already regarded as a very important source of livelihood and local economy. As a spearhead in aquaculture development, the farming of paiche (arapaima gigas) has been given increased attention and plans are to enhance production and product processing to commercial levels, through technical and financial support given by the regional government to the private sector. Upgrading of central fish farms, establishment of feed extrusion factory and objectives to increasing the supply of alevins at Ahuashyacu Fish Station are examples of the recent investments of the Regional Government of San Martín, through which the economic output of the industry is expected to grow and create opportunities for local consumption as well as for export. Since Peruvian aquaculture is still in very early stage, a new collaboration with the Finnish pool of aquaculture expertise has been initiated to further enhance the sector through institutional collaboration, technology transfer and technical assistance.


To build up capacity of Ahuashyacu Fish Station to support the growth of sustainable aquaculture sector in the San Martin Region/Peru.

Impact of research

Peru has significant water and fish meal recourses and vast number of potential endemic fish species for aquaculture. Aquaculture has a growing role in food security as well as a source of livelihood. The capacity building and modern technology applied in this spearhead project will bring new tools for Peruvian aquaculture development.

Researcher in charge

Saarni Kaija, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute

Duration 2010 - 2013

Project phase: Completed


Source: FGFRI Projectnet


© 2010 Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute.