M Research project, FGFRI - Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute
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The development of the crayfisheries in Finland

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The main target is to maintain databases on the management and distribution of the noble and signal crayfish and the distribution of the crayfish plague, and combine the data with other registers. This will provide information about the success of crayfish management, the nature of the crayfish waters, and the distribution of the crayfish plague.

Impact of research

Databases provide background information for various research projects, and support the development of crayfish management and decision making.

Researcher in charge

Pursiainen Markku, Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, Jyväskylän riistan- ja kalantutkimus

Duration 2005 - 2012

Project phase: Completed


Source: FGFRI Projectnet


© 2010 Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute.