M Tutkimushankekuvaus, RKTL - Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos
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Paluu Hankehaaviin

Biodiversity of the Kitkajärvet, changes caused by human activity and their management (Kitka-MuHa project)

Paluu Hankehaaviin


The aim of the project is to develop a master plan of measures for the Kitkajärvet and their catchments, which combines information on the organisms, structure and chemical status of the littoral zone with information on land use in and loading from the catchment to allocate water management measures in order to limit point source pollution and diffuse pollution.
The FGFRI will be responsible for the sampling and analysis of fish fauna. The project is connected to the objectives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to achieve and maintain good water status in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
The Kitkajärvet (Ylä-Kitka and Ala-Kitka) are lakes located 210 metres above sea level. The state of the lakes has deteriorated worryingly during the past decade. The lakes are included in the international water conversation programme Project Aqua and in the Natura 2000 network.


In 2014
- the fish material will be analysed
- the results obtained will be reported
- preparations for a synthesis report which includes a plan of water resources management measures for the achievement of the objectives established under the WFD (good ecological status) will be started together with the project partners


In 2013, the sampling of fish fauna in the Kitkajärvet was planned and implemented. Experimental electrofishing was carried out at 70 littoral zone points in different parts of the lakes. The grouping and analysis of the material has started.
The fish stock sampling was carried out simultaneously and partly with the same equipment (a boat) as the sampling of vegetation (vegetation transects in the littoral zone).

Vastaava tutkija

Vehanen Teppo, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute


suomen ympäristökeskus,Oulun yliopisto,Metsäntutkimuslaitos

Hankkeen vaihe: päättynyt


In English
Lähde: RKTL Hankehaavi


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