M Tutkimushankekuvaus, RKTL - Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos
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Paluu Hankehaaviin

The functionality of the new acts in the Finnish fisheries legislation

Paluu Hankehaaviin



The functionality of the new regulations will be examined by carrying out structured interviews and net-based inquiries among different concerned parties, e.g. regional administrators, fishing inspectors, fishing guides and Fisheries regions.


The project will provide the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and regional administrative bodies (ELY-centers) useful information about the functioning of, and potential problems related to the new acts.

Vastaava tutkija

Salminen Matti, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute

Muut henkilöt

Mellanoura Juhani


The project will provide the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and regional administrative bodies (ELY-centers) useful information about the functioning of, and potential problems related to the new acts.

Hankkeen kesto 2013 - 2014

Hankkeen vaihe: päättynyt


In English
Lähde: RKTL Hankehaavi


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